shared - i need it to be useful

Jacob Carlborg doob at
Tue Oct 16 08:56:55 UTC 2018

On 2018-10-15 20:46, Manu wrote:

> 1. traditional; assert that the object become thread-local by
> acquiring a lock, cast shared away

Instead of having to explicitly cast away shared we could leverage the 
synchronized statement. It could be enhanced to allow the following:

shared int a;
Mutex mutex;

synchronized(tlsA; a, mutex)
     // within this scope "tlsA" is the same as "a" but without
     // the "shared" qualifier. "tlsA" is not allowed to escape the block

This could also be implemented as a library function, but that would 
require casting away shared inside the implementation:

guard(a, mutex, (tlsA){


void guard(T)(scope shared T value, Mutex mutex, scope void delegate 
(scope T) block)
     scope (exit)

     block(cast(T) value);

/Jacob Carlborg

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