You don't like GC? Do you?

Stanislav Blinov stanislav.blinov at
Tue Oct 16 14:46:41 UTC 2018

On Tuesday, 16 October 2018 at 11:42:55 UTC, Tony wrote:
> On Monday, 15 October 2018 at 08:21:11 UTC, Eugene Wissner

>> He doesn't argue against garbage collection.

Thanks, Eugene, I was starting to lose hope in humanity.

> Well, can you state what he does argue against?

I did state what I was arguing against, if you actually read the 
thread and not only pick select statements I'm sure you'll find 

> Wouldn't C++ or Rust, with their smart pointers, be a better 
> choice for someone who wants to use a compiles-to-object-code 
> language, but can't suffer any garbage collector delays?

What is up with people and this thread? Who is talking about 
garbage collector delays? If you do use the GC, they're a given, 
and you work with them. *Just like you should with everything 

I'm talking about code that doesn't give a **** about utilizing 
machine resources correctly. Crap out "new" everywhere, it lets 
you write code fast. Is it actually a good idea to collect here? 
Hell if you know, you don't care, carry on! Crap out classes 
everywhere, it lets you write code fast. Pull in a zillion of 
external dependencies 90% of which you have no idea what they're 
for, what they do and how much cruft they bring with them, they 
let you write code fast. Oh look, you have no threads! Maybe you 
should write a, a... a task system! Yes, full of classes and, and 
futures and... stuff. But no, nononono, writing is too long, 
let's take a ready one. Implemented by another awesome programmer 
just like you! And then spawn... ooooh, a second thread! Yes! Two 
threads are better than one! What for? It doesn't matter what 
for, don't think about it. Better yet! Spawn four! Six! Twelve! 
And then serialize them all with one mutex, because to hell with 
learning that task system you downloaded, you have code to write. 
What did you say? Pointers? Nah, you have twelve threads and a 
mutex. Surely you need reference counted objects. Pointers are 
bad for you, they will have you think...
Then, after this jellyfish wobbly pile of crud is starting to 
swell and smell, then start "optimizing" it. Profile first 
though. Profile, measure! Only first write more cruft in order to 
measure what needs to be measured, otherwise you might 
accidentally measure all those libXXX you used and all those 
cache misses you wrote. And then fix it. By doing more of the 
above, as luck would have it.

"Don't be a computer..." What a joke.

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