No D bindings in Atom editor

welkam wwwelkam at
Tue Oct 16 20:57:47 UTC 2018

On Tuesday, 16 October 2018 at 17:48:42 UTC, Jabari Zakiya wrote:
> On Tuesday, 16 October 2018 at 02:34:47 UTC, Jabari Zakiya 
> wrote:
>> Just updated Atom editor and noticed D files read as plain 
>> .txt and no D bindings in list of programs. Maybe someone 
>> should bring that to Atom's devs attention.
>> Interesting, since my main editor, KDE's Kate, does have D 
>> file syntax highlighting.
> Found existing support in Atom package manager.

Based on State of d 2018 survey most popular editors are:

1. Visual Studio Code  25%
2. vim/neovim          18%
3. other               13%
4. sublime             13%
5. emacs               11%
6. Visual Studio + VisualD 10%
7. intellij             4%
8. Atom                 2%

Based on this data and personal experiance i would choose Visual 
Studio Code or vim for your D projects.

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