Scope modules DIP rough messy draft.

Adam D. Ruppe destructionator at
Sat Oct 27 15:50:31 UTC 2018

On Saturday, 27 October 2018 at 15:13:11 UTC, Neia Neutuladh 
> So using Java, the most popular programming language in the 
> world, would cause you to go mad?

I am actually working on some Java right now and it totally 
drives me nuts. The directory structures are so deep and there 
are so many little files.

I finally have a handle on what it is doing though, yay!

As to this DIP, meh, I could quibble with the specifics, but I 
have kinda wanted multiple modules per file before myself, though 
it isn't a big deal (indeed, library packaging is another 
alternative). It just seems like an arbitrary limitation not to 
allow another module declaration there. In C, you can cat *.c > 
combined.c and still build it (well, generally), but in D that 
always creates errors.

Multiple smaller modules do the encapsulation and can help with 
code bloat, though compiler implementation improvements are 
helping with that too. But recall that is why the package.d thing 
was added.

Again, no big deal, but I could see myself sometimes using it.

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