synchronized - shared but actually useful

Jonathan M Davis newsgroup.d at
Wed Oct 31 09:04:43 UTC 2018

On Wednesday, October 31, 2018 2:08:58 AM MDT FeepingCreature via 
Digitalmars-d wrote:
> On Wednesday, 31 October 2018 at 07:57:59 UTC, Jonathan M Davis
> > Manual casting is required if you're actually using shared with
> > mutexes or synchronized. If you're using __gshared, it's not,
> > but that's only because you're lying to the compiler about
> > whether the variables are shared are not, which means that
> > you're circumventing the type system, and you're risking subtle
> > bugs in your programs, because the guarantees that the type
> > system is suppose make aren't actually in place.
> This does not match what I'm actually seeing in practice. If this
> is how it is, then this admonishment should be written in the D
> style guide in big, bolded letters.

Probably. There are places in the documentation that talk about it, but it's
almost certainly not clear enough given how many folks keep using it.
Certainly, far too many folks run to __gshared when they get annoyed with

In general, we've done a terrible job messaging how shared works, in part
because it's been 95% complete for ages, and it's never been a priority. In
general, what shared must do (and _mostly_ does) is guarantee that no
operations that are not thread-safe are illegal. Earlier on, there was a
larger push to find ways to get the compiler to then do stuff for you to
make stuff thread-safe (such as introducing write barriers), and Andrei
tends to prefer that approach, but that approach is hard to do (if possible
at all), and pieces that we _can_ do (like write barriers) tend to be
inefficient. Walter prefers the approach of just making more operations
illegal (which unfortunately, then tends to require more casts and more
@trusted code). So, some stuff has been left in limbo that really shouldn't
have been left in limbo, and so we have shared - which works - but where
some operations aren't actually thread-safe but are still legal (hence why I
say it's 95% complete). And that still needs to be sorted out. And since it
hasn't been a priority, and it's perpetually mostly finished, you don't tend
to get much in the way of stuff like documentation write-ups about it. That
really should be fixed.

> Generally we try to write cast-free code if possible, so casting
> away shared feels wrong. That's not really an argument, of
> course, but to me semantic casting indicates "no compiler, you
> are mistaken about the properties of this data." The compiler
> should never *require* casting.

In the case of shared, it does require casting, and there really isn't a
good way around it. The two major exceptions are atomics and synchronized
classes (though those aren't fully implemented). synchronized classes still
do the casting; they're just able to cast away shared on the outer layer
implicitly. It would be fantastic to be able to do it implicitly in more
cases, but it can only be done implicitly in cases where the compiler can
actually guarantee that it's thread-safe, and that's really, really hard to
do. synchronized classes are the best proposal that we've had for a
mechanism for doing so. More would likely be possible with a more
complicated ownership model, but without that, the compiler simply doesn't
have enough information. It needs to know stuff like that a mutex is
associated with a particular variable or set of variables, that it's
definitely locked in a section of code, and that it's absolutely impossible
that there are any other references to that data which are not currently
protected by that mutex. The biggest obstacle there is probably the bit
about there being no references not currently protected. Without a real
ownership model, that just doesn't work. Maybe someone will come up with a
bright idea, but everything I've seen at best has subtle holes in it, and
ultimately, it comes down to basically writing the same kind of code that
you'd write in C/C++ except that you need a few extra casts within the
sections of code where the shared variables are protected by a locked mutex.

> > Your synchronized field proposal is basically just a variation
> > of synchronized classes with the extra caveat that somehow
> > mutable references to the member variables can't escape, and
> > for some reason, not everything in the class has to be
> > synchronized.
> Everything in the class has to be synchronized. I'm not sure
> where I said differently.

You were talking about marking individual fields and variables as
synchronized rather than simply marking the entire class as synchronized.

> > It's like you're trying to have synchronized classes without
> > talking about shared. But you can't take shared out of the mix.
> > Per the type system, anything that isn't shared is considered
> > thread-local by the compiler, and trying to do anything like
> > this without shared would be a serious violation of the type
> > system and the compiler's guarantees.
> Again, imo this belongs in either the spec or the DStyle guide in
> big bold letters.
> > Instead of talking about safely casting away the outer layer of
> > shared inside the class, you're talking about preventing
> > escaping. synchronized classes as described in TDPL already
> > guaranteed that the outer layer can't escape, since it lives
> > directly in the class. What they can't guarantee is that the
> > rest can't escape, and the language doesn't provide any way for
> > such a guarantee.
> Not sure what you mean by "outer layer" here or this entire
> paragraph.

The part directly embedded in the class and which therefore cannot possibly
escape. Unlike regular classes, synchronized classes do not allow direct
access to their member variables - even from anything else in the same
module - in order to be able to provide that guarantee. If you don't have
your own copy of TDPL, I'd suggest reading the concurrency chapter which is
available for free online, since it talks about synchronized classes:

Unfortunately, they're only partially implemented. IIRC, restricting access
to the member variables has been implemented, but beyond that, right now
they're mostly just synchronized functions like in Java.

> > And my point still stands that anything that we do with regards
> > to thread safety must be built on top of shared, because that
> > is the building block of sharing data across threads in D.
> > Whether you like the specifics of shared or not, the idea that
> > the compiler can rely on the assumption that data is _not_
> > shared across threads unless it's marked as such is a key
> > feature of D. And attempting to use __gshared to get around it
> > is just shooting yourself in the foot.
> And yet, there's no way to even *state* that the Thread
> constructor must not take a delegate that can access unshared
> data, and none of the current proposals list one. Should we
> demand that only shared data can be passed to new threads? That's
> going to limit their usefulness. With synchronized, we can
> deprecate the delegate constructor, then pass the thread data as
> synchronized objects to a pure function, thereby actually
> guaranteeing thread safety.

Well, in principle if you're passing data across threads, it should be
shared while it's passed across threads, and the type system requires that.
That's why you have to cast to immutable when passing reference types with
std.concurrency (shared would work too except for an issue with
std.variant's implementation). You can cast to thread-local again on the
other side, but to get it across, it needs to be typed as shared /
immutable, because that's what it really is at that point. And what you're
doing is inherently @system, hence why the casting is required. It's up to
the programmer to ensure that no references to the data remain on the
original thread. If we had a full-own ownership model in the type system,
then we might be able to avoid that, but we don't so we can't.

Thread is a bit different, but the concept is basically the same.
Conceptually, it's being passed off to another thread, so it really should
be shared or immutable, but C doesn't actually _have_ shared (hence
__gshared), so everything involved _has_ to be @trusted internally. Looking
at Thread's constructor, having it take a delegate probably isn't a problem,
but what _is_ a problem is the fact that it's @safe. I don't know how we can
reasonably fix that without breaking code, but it's definitely a problem.
All data passed through that delegate must either be shared or it must be
the only reference to that data so that when it ends up on that new thread,
and it's thread-local, no other thread has reference to it, and it really is
properly thread-local. That constructor can't guarantee that. It's up to the
programmer to guarantee that. So, it needs to be @system.

If we could somehow require that the delegate only accepted shared data,
then we could reasonably make the constructor @safe, but since AFAIK, that's
not possible, it needs to be @system.

- Jonathan M Davis

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