This thread on Hacker News terrifies me

tide tide at tide.tide
Sat Sep 1 12:37:13 UTC 2018

On Saturday, 1 September 2018 at 08:18:03 UTC, Walter Bright 
> On 8/31/2018 7:28 PM, tide wrote:
>> I'm just wondering but how would you code an assert to ensure 
>> the variable for a title bar is the correct color? Just how 
>> many asserts are you going to have in your real-time game that 
>> can be expected to run at 144+ fps ?
> Experience will guide you on where to put the asserts.
> But really, just apply common sense. It's not just for 
> software. If you're a physicist, and your calculations come up 
> with a negative mass, you screwed up. If you're a mechanical 
> engineer, and calculate a force of billion pounds from dropping 
> a piano, you screwed up. If you're an accountant, and calculate 
> that you owe a million dollars in taxes on a thousand dollars 
> of income, you screwed up. If you build a diagnostic X-ray 
> machine, and the control software computes a lethal dose to 
> administer, you screwed up.
> Apply common sense and assert on unreasonable results, because 
> your code is broken.

That's what he, and apparently you don't get. How are you going 
to use an assert to check that the color of a title bar is valid? 
Try and implement that assert, and let me know what you come up 

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