-op can be quite strange

Jonathan Marler johnnymarler at gmail.com
Sat Sep 1 14:48:55 UTC 2018

The -od (output directory) and -op (perserve source paths) work 
great when you're compiling multiple modules in a single 
invocation.  For example, say we have the following:


Current Directory: /myapp

dmd -I=../foolib/src -I=src -od=obj -op -c src/main.d 

This example shows a weird unexpected result.  Because I've 
specified "../foolib/src/foo/bar.d" on the command line, the 
compiler will put the object file here:


which means it will go here:


This is very strange.  Because it has a ".." in the name, it 
doesn't even get put in the "obj" folder specified by "-od".  
What makes it worse is if you ad used "-i" instead of giving it 
on the command line:

dmd -I=../foolib/src -I=src -od=obj -op -c src/main.d -i

then it would be in:


I thought about this for a bit an realized that maybe there's a 
better way.  Instead of telling the compiler to append the 
"relative path" of the source file from CWD to the output 
directory like this:

   `<relative_path>/<basename>.d` -> 
   `../foolib/src/foo/bar.d` -> `obj/../foolib/src/foo/bar.o`

we could tell the compiler to use the path relative of the source 
file from the package root.  Let's call it the "package path":

   `<some_path>/<package_path>/<basename>.d` -> 
   `../foolib/src/foo/bar.d` -> `obj/foo/bar.o`

This would mean modules would go to the same place whether they 
were explicitly given on the command line or whether they were a 
"compiled import" via "-i".  It also handles conflicts because 
each fully-qualified module name (and by extension each "package 
path" / "module name" combo) must be unique in a compiler 

Note that we would want this to be a new option so as not to 
break anyone depending on "-op" semantics. Maybe "-om" for 
"output path based on 'Module' name"?

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