Source changes should include date of change

Adam D. Ruppe destructionator at
Sat Sep 8 18:31:32 UTC 2018

On Saturday, 8 September 2018 at 07:08:46 UTC, Colin wrote:
> Some ad hoc comment system in source code to point out changes 
> will never be as good.
> Just Use Git!

I'd agree for implementation changes, but *interface* changes 
should be not just in the comment, but in a doc comment. Ddoc 
specifically has a "History:" section for this (and adrdox also 
supports "Since:").

So if you add a function, say when it was added, either a release 
version number or the date it was released. When you change 
function arguments, show it too.

Then if someone is looking at code and looking it up in the 
documentation, they can see that like it called "foo!int" and it 
is "History: added support for int in version 2.089, Sept 2018." 
and then be like "oh that's why it is erroring, my thing is 
version 2.088"

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