Proposal: __not(keyword)

Adam D. Ruppe destructionator at
Sat Sep 15 16:26:26 UTC 2018

On Friday, 14 September 2018 at 18:13:49 UTC, Eugene Wissner 
> Makes the code unreadable.

It is the foo: that causes this, not the __not...

> For @nogc, pure and so forth there were imho a better proposal 
> with a boolean value:
> @gc(true), @gc(false), pure(true), pure(false) etc. It is also 
> consistent with the existing UDA syntax.

Yes, I still actually prefer that proposal, but it has been 
around for a long time and still isn't here.

I want something, ANYTHING to unset these things. I don't care 
which proposal or which syntax, I just want it to be possible.

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