How to correctly deal with dmd.conf with multiple dmd installations - [ref osx, brew, digger]

Jacob Carlborg doob at
Tue Sep 25 19:00:57 UTC 2018

On 2018-09-25 13:55, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

> Yes. You want dmd.conf, or certain paths won't be set correctly (like where
> to find Phobos). Personally, I'd strongly suggest against having multiple
> copies of dmd installed at the same time. It just sounds like a recipe for
> disaster. Regardless, here's the description for how dmd finds dmd.conf:

Having multiple copies of DMD (or rather multiple versions) works 
perfectly fine. That's the entire point of DVM [1]. But I've never used 
a global dmd.conf file either.


/Jacob Carlborg

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