The Proper Use of Exception Chaining: Caught between two conflicting usecases?

FeepingCreature feepingcreature at
Tue Apr 9 14:27:37 UTC 2019

There's a feature where, when creating an exception, you can pass 
another exception as a second parameter. I always thought that 
the point of this feature was that you could get a backtrace like:

void foo() {
   throw new FooException("foo failure");

void bar() {
   try foo;
   catch (FooException fooException) {
     throw new BarException("bar failure", fooException);

   FooException: foo failure
main.d: foo()
   BarException: bar failure
main.d: bar()
main.d: main()

But it turns out that according to the runtime it's related to 
throwing exceptions as a side effect of unwinding? Ie. if you

scope(exit) throw new BarException("bar");
throw new FooException("foo");

then you get a BarException chained to the FooException? Or the 
other way around?

That seems a **very** different usecase from the original one.

In the second case, while processing an error we coincidentally 
encountered a second error.

In the first case, it's still the same error, just being 
represented now by a different class.

Furthermore, the runtime seems to think case 2 is the correct use 
for chained exceptions, whereas the documentation ( ), 
admittedly a bit hidden away, claims that case 1 is the proper 

In any case, Throwable.toString doesn't care and just omits the 
chained exception outright.

This seems a very unsatisfying state of affairs! If the use of 
exception chaining on throwing an exception during unwind cannot 
be changed, then there is still a case for creating a whole 
separate implementation of chaining ("exception wrapping"?) for 
case 2, and reinterpreting the rarely used two-parameter syntax 
(new Exception("bla", wrapped)) to use this idiom, as well as 
prominently displaying the wrapped exception in toString output.

I'm very willing to work out a PR for this, but I want to avoid 
the effort if it's unlikely to be accepted.

What do you think?

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