std.traits.ParameterDefaults implementation

Alex AJ at
Tue Apr 9 14:42:09 UTC 2019

On Monday, 8 April 2019 at 18:57:59 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
> I'm looking further into some pains with parameter default 
> reflection and I feel Phobos' overcomplicated implementation is 
> to blame for the troubles and am trying to figure why it is 
> that way.
> First, let me paste some code:
> ----
> class C {
> 	override @safe string toString() const { return "C"; }
> }
> class A {
> 	void foo(lazy scope inout C a = new inout(C)) {}
> }
> @safe void main() {
> 	import std.stdio;
> 	foreach(overload; __traits(getOverloads, A, "foo")) {
> 		static if(is(typeof(overload) Params == __parameters))
> 			static foreach(idx, _; Params) {{
> 				alias param = Params[idx .. idx + 1];
> 				writeln("\t", __traits(identifier, param),
> 					" = ",
> 					function(param p) { return p[0]; }().toString
> 				);
> 			}}
> 	}
> }
> ---
> This is my testbed for default argument without Phobos. And 
> this line is all there really is to it:
> function(param p) { return p[0]; }()
> I'm building with dmd -dip25 -dip1000 in an attempt to break it 
> with attributes. (the explicit toString on the outside is 
> because writeln didn't like the const class being passed to it)
> On the other hand, this is Phobos' implementation:
> ---
>         template Get(size_t i)
>         {
>             // `PT[i .. i+1]` declares a parameter with an 
> arbitrary name.
>             // To avoid a name clash, generate local names that 
> are distinct
>             // from the parameter name, and mix them in.
>             enum name = param_names[i];
>             enum args = "args" ~ (name == "args" ? "_" : "");
>             enum val = "val" ~ (name == "val" ? "_" : "");
>             enum ptr = "ptr" ~ (name == "ptr" ? "_" : "");
>             mixin("
>                 // workaround scope escape check, see
>                 // 
>                 // should use return scope once available
>                 enum get = (PT[i .. i+1] " ~ args ~ ") @trusted
>                 {
>                     // If the parameter is lazy, we force it to 
> be evaluated
>                     // like this.
>                     auto " ~ val ~ " = " ~ args ~ "[0];
>                     auto " ~ ptr ~ " = &" ~ val ~ ";
>                         // workaround Bugzilla 16582
>                     return *" ~ ptr ~ ";
>                 };
>             ");
>             static if (is(typeof(get())))
>                 enum Get = get();
> ---
> It handles a missing default too, but that's trivial, just the 
> is(typeof()) check.
> What gets me here is the function body. In mine, I just defined 
> an inline function and returned the parameter.
> Phobos uses what appears to be a gratuitous mixin and defines 
> two local variables inside the function. These cause trouble 
> with inout
>         writeln(ParameterDefaults!([0].toString);
> /home/me/d/dmd2/linux/bin32/../../src/phobos/std/traits.d(1492): Error: variable `std.traits.ParameterDefaults!(foo).Get!0u.Get` only parameters or stack based variables can be inout
> /home/me/d/dmd2/linux/bin32/../../src/phobos/std/traits.d(1512): Error: template instance `std.traits.ParameterDefaults!(foo).Get!0u` error instantiating
> I've seen people blame inout for this before... but it seems to 
> me to be that Phobos has an overcomplicated implementation.
> Looking at bug 16582 which introduced the new code
> the test case is similar to what I just wrote, and my simple 
> code works. The other stuff in there talks about lazy. Mine 
> worked with that too.
> Is the Phobos implementation just working around compiler bugs 
> that have since been fixed? Or am I missing something else in 
> there?

I appreciate you looking in to it instead of writing it off. It 
basically proves my point that there are issues with D. The 
problem with these types of issues is that because D's meta 
programming is so complex(mainly traits) that one doesn't know if 
things are bugs or ones code. So when I code something and 
something is not working out right, which sometimes I might not 
find out until later due to the way D silently gives wrong 
information or it might only happen in certain situations(such as 
the inout parameter here, which initially gave me no error and I 
noticed later on it wasn't giving the default value and then 
changed something and got the error(I think I was using compiles 
to bypass stuff)). This leads one down wrong paths. I spend hours 
trying to figure out what is going on and why my code isn't 
working and usually change it drastically which then either 
creates or obscures other problems.

This is precisely why I want a better reflection library. One 
that is uniform in design and bypasses these issues(although it 
will still suffer from the cases where D returns the wrong 
information but I suppose unittests could get most of that).

There are too many obscure issues with the type system and doing 
certain things. It doesn't feel cohesive but patched together. If 
I need to do something that I can't remember I have to check both 
__traits and std.traits. Sometimes neither has basic meta 
programming functionality and one has to build it, but it is very 
common. This dirties the code and makes it less readable.(such as 
having two nested static foreach's to filter out stuff)

It really doesn't have to be complicated. The library I wrote 
shows this. One has an CT object that has all the info in it. As 
I've said before, the D compiler can easily build this object 
very fast and make it available. My design, which is rather 
straight forward and simple is very slow. It takes about 10 
seconds to get all the info on a class(well, not that long but 
close) that is very bare bones. It does get everything though, 
but the compiler also has all this info already so a lot of work 
is duplicated.

We could have something like this

static foreach(m; SomeType.__reflect.AllMembers.OnlyPublic.Types)

where __reflect returns whatever information. It consumes 
__traits and std.traits in to a simple to use interface. Some 
other syntax could be used.

Basically one could have range like semantics for reflecting(I 
probably could add this to my library solution).

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