does D already have too many language features ?

Alex AJ at
Tue Apr 9 19:08:55 UTC 2019

On Monday, 8 April 2019 at 22:16:28 UTC, Dennis wrote:
> On Monday, 8 April 2019 at 21:52:37 UTC, Alex wrote:
>> 3. Maybe the problem is that you yourself lack the 
>> intelligence to understand the features enough to understand 
>> why they exist? What is more likely, that you are you know 
>> what is best for programmers or people who have programmed 
>> 100x as much as you in far more complex situations knows more? 
>> This is not a personal attack, just a fact. Serious, for you 
>> to say that X is useless requires that you have some higher 
>> intellectual standing than those that say it is useful. Else 
>> it is far more likely that you cannot comprehend it's 
>> usefulness because you haven't learned/experienced enough 
>> about it.
> Please don't use such a hostile tone, it was just a question. 
> There's no need to question the level of intelligence or 
> experience of anyone.

It wasn't hostile tone(what I just said was). No one was 
questioning anyone's intelligence. Don't be an idiot trying to 
cause problems.

To sit here and pretend that intelligence doesn't play a role of 
how one understands something is moronic, at best and destructive 
at worse.

You seem to have a hang up on your intelligence. The fact is you 
are a moron, you should just get over it and accept it. I have 
proof you are a moron: If one takes all the knowledge humans have 
learned since their existence you know less than 10^-18 of that 
knowledge(one can measure this such as measuring the bits in wiki 
and comparing that to what a person knows).

So, yes, you are a moron. Accept it and move on. If you think you 
know it all you will never learn anything then you are not just a 
moron, you are a moron of the morons.

See, I wasn't questioning his intelligence, you were. I was 
stating a simple fact that he lacks the knowledge to understand 
something because, simply put, we all do about something. If he 
doesn't realize his lack of knowledge is the problem then he 
can't learn and grow and will always have the same problems. Now 
when I say seem to be too stupid to understand this, it is due to 
the same reason. Oh do I know this? Because if you actually 
understood what I was saying you would have net responded by 
*ASSUMING* I was attacking anyone but understood the statement 
for what it meant.

Instead you are so hung up on IQ levels and how much small your 
IQ-penis is that you get offended when someone mentions anything 
about intelligence and takes it as a ego thing. This is typical 
of people with low IQ's. I have never found anyone with a high IQ 
that gets caught up in such moronic BS. Same I guess goes for 
men's dick size, the guys with big dicks don't have problems with 
it... it's the guys with the small ones that are so caught up in 
dick size.

The difference is that intelligence can be learned, I'm trying to 
get him to recognize he is lacking certain knowledge and that is 
why he misunderstands the problem... you are trying to make that 
in to a bad thing. I'm trying to help him, you are trying to hurt 
him. Once he gets the appropriate knowledge he will be better 
informed and can then make his mind up rather than asking other 
people to make his mind up, which is meaningless because he will 
still not understand.

You are the problem, I'm saying that not as an attack on you, but 
which you will take it. I'm trying to get you to realize it so 
that you will stop the BS.

You have taken a statement and warped it's intention through your 
own myopic closed minded filters and decided it meant something 
that it didn't mean, that is your ignorance. You too have an 
ignorance problem... in that you think you are not ignorance. At 
least I am comfortable in my ignorance and I realize all my 
problems are due to it... and all the problems of others are due 
to it. You are the one trying to pervert the truth that we all 
are ignorant for some obscene reason.

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