Now that the dmd backend is in D...?

Jonathan Marler johnnymarler at
Thu Aug 1 03:03:29 UTC 2019

Now that the dmd backend is in D, are there plans to remove the 
old C++ organization?

Today, the backend is split into backend headers and backend 
sources, much like a C/C++ project.  The backend sources are 
compiled separately from DMD into a library, and the backend 
headers are compiled with DMD in order to link to the precompiled 
backend library.

You can see which files belong to which by looking at the 
posix.mak file:

BACK_HDRS=$C/cc.d $C/cdef.d $C/cgcv.d $C/code.d $C/cv4.d $C/dt.d 
$C/el.d $C/global.d \
	$C/obj.d $C/oper.d $C/outbuf.d $C/rtlsym.d $C/code_x86.d 
$C/iasm.d $C/codebuilder.d \
	$C/ty.d $C/type.d $C/exh.d $C/mach.d $C/mscoff.d $C/dwarf.d 
$C/dwarf2.d $C/xmm.d \
	$C/dlist.d $C/melf.d $C/varstats.di $C/dt.d

BACK_DOBJS = bcomplex.o evalu8.o divcoeff.o dvec.o go.o gsroa.o 
glocal.o gdag.o gother.o gflow.o \
	out.o \
	gloop.o compress.o cgelem.o cgcs.o ee.o cod4.o cod5.o nteh.o 
blockopt.o mem.o cg.o cgreg.o \
	dtype.o debugprint.o fp.o symbol.o elem.o dcode.o cgsched.o 
cg87.o cgxmm.o cgcod.o cod1.o cod2.o \
	cod3.o cv8.o dcgcv.o pdata.o util2.o var.o md5.o backconfig.o 
ph2.o drtlsym.o dwarfeh.o ptrntab.o \
	aarray.o dvarstats.o dwarfdbginf.o elfobj.o cgen.o os.o goh.o 
barray.o cgcse.o elpicpie.o

However, now that it's all in D, is there a plan to remove the 
backend headers?  Then once that is done, would we remove all the 
extern (C++) modifiers?  I realize that the extern (C++) 
modifiers cannot be removed until the backend headers are removed 
because making everything extern (D) would cause the module name 
to be used in the mangled symbol so the headers and sources would 
no longer match.

So is there any reason to keep the separate headers/sources in 
the DMD backend?

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