The issue with D...

Ecstatic Coder ecstatic.coder at
Thu Feb 7 20:49:31 UTC 2019

On Thursday, 7 February 2019 at 20:22:17 UTC, Seb wrote:
> On Thursday, 7 February 2019 at 18:18:16 UTC, Ecstatic Coder 
> wrote:
>> Simple, easy and concise code.
>> I'm VERY happy there is a web server example on D's landing 
>> page. I mean it.
>> But removing this sort of "garbage" comment, as useful as it 
>> is, would probably make the example more pleasant to read for 
>> people evaluating the interest of using D for their next 
>> personal/professionnal project...
> Do you mind if I ask how the current example is dark magic for 
> you?
> How would you/we make it better?

Stupid simple :

void main()
     import vibe.d;
     listenHTTP(":8080", (req, res) {
         res.writeBody("Hello, World: " ~ req.path);

Not stupid simple :

#!/usr/bin/env dub
/+ dub.sdl:
name "hello_vibed"
dependency "vibe-d" version="~>0.8.0"
void main()
     import vibe.d;
     listenHTTP(":8080", (req, res) {
         res.writeBody("Hello, World: " ~ req.path);

It's just pure cosmetics. But as with everything, "how it looks" 
is something that matter.

If I arrive at a professional IT appointment with my customer 
with a three day beard and my jogging clothes, he won't judge me 
the same as if I'm shaved and with my suit and tie.

When you are evaluating a programming language, the first lines 
of code you see give you a good or bad impression about it. And 
in all matters it's always better to give a good impression from 
the start.

I guess some people are very fond of cryptic languages with 
esoteric syntaxes, etc. But honestly I'm not sure it's the norm, 
and that most people dislike simple, crystal clear code.

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