The DIP Process

Mike Parker aldacron at
Wed Feb 27 21:02:44 UTC 2019

On Wednesday, 27 February 2019 at 04:12:31 UTC, Jordan Wilson 
> Step 3: The language maintainers perform a *pre-review*

I'll say that personally, and I stress *personally*, I have no 
problem with this on the surface. It would need to be understood 
by everyone that if we did implement this step, no feedback from 
Walter and/or Andrei at this stage would mean approval is 

We do have to take into consideration the amount of time it will 
add to an already lengthy process. Consider that this could 
potentially add even more work for the author (not to mention the 
rest of us involved in the process) with no guarantee that the 
DIP will be accepted. I don't know if that would actually be an 

However, IMO, it would be more fruitful if we could start looking 
for volunteers to act as "advisers" to DIP authors throughout the 
process. This could potentially provide more focus on revising 
the DIP based on technical merit without the pollution of 
personal opinions, particularly if we could have, say, two or 
three people doing it. Then by the time it gets to community 
review it could be in much better shape than it otherwise would 
have been.

The problem, as always, is getting people to fill the role. The 
more involvement we require from Walter and Andrei in the 
process, the less time they have to spend on other tasks that 
need doing.

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