Package functions cannot be abstract?!

Marco de Wild mdwild at
Wed Jan 30 07:30:48 UTC 2019

On Wednesday, 30 January 2019 at 04:05:15 UTC, Jonathan Levi 
> Why in the world can abstract functions not be only visible to 
> only a package?

If you could make a package-private function abstract, that would 
imply that implementations outside of the package are never 

In foo/x.d:
module foo.x;

public abstract class X {
     package abstract doThings();

public void letsDo(X x) {

In bar/y.d:
module bar.y;
import foo.x;

public class Y : X {
     // Does not know that doThings() needs to be implemented.

void demo() {
     letsDo(new Y());
This will give a runtime error, as is called without being 

Depending on your exact problem, you could:
- Make X package private.
- Make doThings() protected.
- Make derived classes of X final.
- Expose methods publicly that take X as an input parameter.

module foo.x;

package abstract class X {
     protected abstract void doThings();

public class XImpl : X {
     protected override void doThings() {
         import std.stdio;
         writeln("Hello world");

public void letsDo(X x) {

In bar/y.d:
module bar.y;
import foo.x;

void demo() {
     letsDo(new XImpl());

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