Minimal druntime?

Mike Franklin slavo5150 at
Sat Jul 27 14:06:51 UTC 2019

On Saturday, 27 July 2019 at 12:51:23 UTC, Ethan wrote:

> So. Is there a working minimal druntime out there? Or a process 
> that can be applied for any given DMD release?

This is the most minimal runtime you can use:

module object;

That's right, an empty object.d file.  Unfortunately, the 
compiler still requires an object.d file to exist in order to get 
a build.  I've tried a few pull requests to change that, but 
they've all failed scrutiny.

Assuming you use the above minimal runtime, you can create the 
following minimal hello world program on Linux.

private extern(C) void __d_sys_exit(long arg1)
         mov RAX, 60;
         mov RDI, arg1;

private long __d_sys_write(long arg1, in void* arg2, long arg3)
     long result;

         mov RAX, 1;
         mov RDI, arg1;
         mov RSI, arg2;
         mov RDX, arg3;

     return result;

void write(immutable(char)[] text)
     __d_sys_write(2, text.ptr, text.length);

private extern(C) void _start()

void main()
     write("Hello, World!\n");

See it in action at

 From there, the world's your oyster.  Start programming in D, and 
if the compiler or linker can't find something, either copy it 
from druntime, or implement your own.

I suspect that's not much use to you, but it is indeed the most 
"minimal runtime".  The motivation for using a minimal runtime is 
to incrementally port D to a new platform and implement only what 
is needed in a pay-as-you-go fashion.

Some of us are slowly improving the experience, but it still has 
a long way to go.  It's MUCH better than it was a few years ago, 


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