Overloading based on attributes - is it a good idea?

Exil Exil at gmall.com
Sat Jun 1 12:08:50 UTC 2019

Found some odd behavior, seems if a template needs to reference 
itself, it does not add the @nogc attribute to itself. Meaning 
it's type is not @nogc/nothrow, but it can still be called in 
@nogc functions. Unless you take a pointer to it, then it doesn't 
have the attributes so it can't be called.


import std.stdio;

void test3(t)() {
     import core.stdc.stdio;
     printf("%s\n", t.stringof.ptr);

void test2(bool check)()  {
     static if(check) test3!(typeof(&test2))();
     else              test3!(int)();

void main() @nogc {

     auto p1 = &test2!false;
     auto p2 = &test2!true;

     test2!true(); // ok
     // p2(); // error can't call @nogc function

     printf("---\n%s\n%s\n", typeof(p1).stringof.ptr, 

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