Bug fix over a year old

Jonathan Marler johnnymarler at gmail.com
Mon Jun 3 21:53:54 UTC 2019

On Monday, 3 June 2019 at 19:07:36 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
> On 5/28/2019 10:28 AM, Jonathan Marler wrote:
>> I created this PR to fix a bug over a year ago.
>> https://github.com/dlang/dmd/pull/8121
>> It sat around for a couple months so I eventually closed it.  
>> I recently re-opened it in the hopes that with the 
>> re-organization someone would look at it.  Could someone take 
>> a look?
> There's no purpose to closing things on github just because 
> they've aged below the fold.

The purpose was to remove it from my "Pull Request" list on 
Github so I wouldn't have to think about it anymore.  It's quite 
frustrating to submit bug fixes for things you need to be fixed 
and then have no one respond to them for months.  So rather than 
having to look at that pull request and be reminded of that 
frustration everyday, after a few months I decided to close it to 
relieve that frustration.

Luckily now people are looking at my pull requests.  Thanks to 
TheWilsonator, Seb (wilzbach), Mike Franklin (jinshil), Jacob 
Carlborg.  The hope was that because of the recent re-org and 
changes that maybe now I could get the bug fix in.

Of course I still have to deal with the frustration of being 
misunderstood.  I spend alot of time explaining what my pull 
requests are doing but much of the time people don't seem to read 
the full description and/or related links (i.e. forum 
posts/bugzilla) before deciding to voice their opposition to the 
change. It's a very frustrating position to be in as I have no 

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