Looking for resources on interpreter design

Max Haughton maxhaton at gmail.com
Thu Jun 6 22:27:14 UTC 2019

On Thursday, 6 June 2019 at 19:38:25 UTC, solidstate1991 wrote:
> I decided to make my college thesis on creating a BASIC 
> interpreter in D for scripting, command line, and other 
> purposes. However, I have an issue with finding resources, 
> meaning that I couldn't work on it yet since I cannot cite 
> anything.
> Can anyone help me? It doesn't need to be for D since I 
> understand many other programming languages (and I bet there's 
> a massive lack of literature about D), but I do have budget 
> restrictions, so I cannot buy expensive books. Also I would 
> like to have something also on BASIC.

If you want a book on D programming, Ali and Andrei's books are 
the goto resources. I would not interpret BASIC, but that's up to 

https://craftinginterpreters.com/ is good, and also any compiler 
textbook will be fine for building an AST.

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