Struggling to implement parallel foreach...

Timon Gehr timon.gehr at
Tue Jun 18 00:08:04 UTC 2019

On 18.06.19 01:34, Manu wrote:
> ...
> ...
> I'm starting to see that it*might*  even be possible that our visions
> are actually very closely aligned, but presented slightly differently.
> ...

I think this is the case. In this thread I was mostly fighting to keep 
qualified closures working. Qualified closures other than `threadsafe` 
are perhaps not key to your use cases.

> I can't work via email, it kills me, and it wastes our time. Are you
> in the US? Where do you live?

Switzerland. I'm a PhD student at ETH Zürich.

> I will fly to you, we can fix it with a whiteboard

> because forums are the most bullshit form of communication
> ever divised by man.
> ...

I fully agree with that. There is too much time between misunderstanding 
and correction.

> This is what dconf should be is for, but instead we spend the whole
> time watching lectures.
> ...

Unfortunately I wasn't able to make it to DConf because of paper 
deadlines and other obligations and commitments...

> I wish I had the time + energy to fork the language and just prove
> shit, rather than waste time talking about it.

So do I.

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