Scope Containers

Eugene Wissner belka at
Sat Mar 9 16:34:18 UTC 2019

On Saturday, 9 March 2019 at 16:14:34 UTC, bitwise wrote:
> Hi,
> Does anybody know if there are any container libraries that 
> make use of scope for iterator/range safety? or is the 
> implementation of scope even ready for that right now?
> Thanks

tanya's containers are good candidates for scope/return, since 
they don't rely on reference counting and GC like Phobos 
containers. I intend to introduce scope/return ranges soon, 
because currently using the containers is not very safe.
But honestly I'm not expecting much from these annotations. Last 
time I tested "return" with dip25 it could catch only some basic 
cases, but not more complicated cases where I assign ranges to 
variables and then use them.

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