printf() metaprogramming challenge

Jonathan Marler johnnymarler at
Thu May 23 22:48:33 UTC 2019

On Thursday, 23 May 2019 at 19:33:15 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
> While up at night with jetlag at DConf, I started toying about 
> solving a small problem. In order to use printf(), the format 
> specifiers in the printf format string have to match the types 
> of the rest of the parameters. This is well known to be brittle 
> and error-prone, especially when refactoring the types of the 
> arguments.
> (Of course, this is not a problem with writefln() and friends, 
> but that isn't available in the dmd front end, nor when using 
> betterC. Making printf better would mesh nicely with betterC. 
> Note that many C compilers have extensions to tell you if 
> there's a mismatch, but they won't fix it for you.)
> I thought why not use D's metaprogramming to fix it. Some 
> ground rules:
> 1. No extra overhead
> 2. Completely self-contained
> 3. Only %s specifiers are rewritten
> 4. %% is handled
> 5. diagnose mismatch between number of specifiers and number of 
> arguments
> Here's my solution:
>     int i;
>     dprintf!"hello %s %s %s %s betty\n"(3, 4.0, &i, "abc".ptr);
> gets rewritten to:
>     printf("hello %d %g %p %s betty\n", 3, 4.0, &i, "abc".ptr);
> The code at the end accomplishes this. Yay!
> But what I'd like it to do is to extend it to convert a `string 
> s` argument into `cast(int)s.length, s.ptr` tuple and use the 
> "%.*s" specifier for it.
> I completely failed at that. I suspect the language has a 
> deficiency in manipulating expression tuples.
> Does anyone see a way to make this work?
> Note: In order to minimize template bloat, I refactored most of 
> the work into a regular function, minimizing the size of the 
> template expansions.
> ------ Das Code ------------
> import core.stdc.stdio : printf;
> template Seq(A ...) { alias Seq = A; }
> int dprintf(string f, A ...)(A args)
> {
>     enum Fmts = Formats!(A);
>     enum string s = formatString(f, Fmts);
>     __gshared const(char)* s2 = s.ptr;
>     return printf(Seq!(s2, args[0..2], args[2..4]));
> }
> template Formats(T ...)
> {
>     static if (T.length == 0)
> 	enum Formats = [ ];
>     else static if (T.length == 1)
> 	enum Formats = [Spec!(T[0])];
>     else
> 	enum Formats = [Spec!(T[0])] ~ Formats!(T[1 .. T.length]);
> }
> template Spec(T : byte)    { enum Spec = "%d"; }
> template Spec(T : short)   { enum Spec = "%d"; }
> template Spec(T : int)     { enum Spec = "%d"; }
> template Spec(T : long)    { enum Spec = "%lld"; }
> template Spec(T : ubyte)   { enum Spec = "%u"; }
> template Spec(T : ushort)  { enum Spec = "%u"; }
> template Spec(T : uint)    { enum Spec = "%u"; }
> template Spec(T : ulong)   { enum Spec = "%llu"; }
> template Spec(T : float)   { enum Spec = "%g"; }
> template Spec(T : double)  { enum Spec = "%g"; }
> template Spec(T : real)    { enum Spec = "%Lg"; }
> template Spec(T : char)    { enum Spec = "%c"; }
> template Spec(T : wchar)   { enum Spec = "%c"; }
> template Spec(T : dchar)   { enum Spec = "%c"; }
> template Spec(T : immutable(char)*)   { enum Spec = "%s"; }
> template Spec(T : const(char)*)       { enum Spec = "%s"; }
> template Spec(T : T*)                 { enum Spec = "%p"; }
> /******************************************
>  * Replace %s format specifiers in f with corresponding 
> specifiers in A[].
>  * Other format specifiers are left as is.
>  * Number of format specifiers must match A.length.
>  * Params:
>  *	f = printf format string
>  *	A = replacement format specifiers
>  * Returns:
>  *	replacement printf format string
>  */
> string formatString(string f, string[] A ...)
> {
>     string r;
>     size_t i;
>     size_t ai;
>     while (i < f.length)
>     {
> 	if (f[i] != '%' || i + 1 == f.length)
> 	{
> 	    r ~= f[i];
> 	    ++i;
> 	    continue;
> 	}
> 	char c = f[i + 1];
> 	if (c == '%')
> 	{
> 	    r ~= "%%";
> 	    i += 2;
> 	    continue;
> 	}
> 	assert(ai < A.length, "not enough arguments");
> 	string fmt = A[ai];
> 	++ai;
> 	if (c == 's')
> 	{
> 	    r ~= fmt;
> 	    i += 2;
> 	    continue;
> 	}
> 	r ~= '%';
> 	++i;
> 	continue;
>     }
>     assert(ai == A.length, "not enough formats");
>     return r;
> }
> ----- End Of Das Code ----------

It uses mixin, so not pretty, but it works...

void main()
     int i = 0;
     dprintf!"hello %s %s %s %s betty\n"(3, 4.0, &i, "abc".ptr);

     const msg = "AAA!";
     dprintf!"A dstring '%s'\n"(msg[0 .. 3]);

template Seq(A ...) { alias Seq = A; }

int dprintf(string f, A ...)(A args)
     import core.stdc.stdio : printf;

     enum Fmts = Formats!(A);
     enum string s = formatString(f, Fmts);
     __gshared const(char)* s2 = s.ptr;
     enum call = function() {
         import std.conv : to;
         string printfCall = "printf(s2";
         foreach(i, T; A)
            static if (is(T : string))
                printfCall ~= ", cast(size_t)args[" ~!string 
~ "].length, args["
                     ~!string ~ "].ptr";
                printfCall ~= ", args[" ~!string ~ "]";

         return printfCall ~ ")";
     //pragma(msg, call); // uncomment to see the final call
     return mixin(call);

template Formats(T ...)
     static if (T.length == 0)
	    enum Formats = [];
     else static if (T.length == 1)
	    enum Formats = [Spec!(T[0])];
	    enum Formats = [Spec!(T[0])] ~ Formats!(T[1 .. T.length]);

template Spec(T : byte)    { enum Spec = "%d"; }
template Spec(T : short)   { enum Spec = "%d"; }
template Spec(T : int)     { enum Spec = "%d"; }
template Spec(T : long)    { enum Spec = "%lld"; }

template Spec(T : ubyte)   { enum Spec = "%u"; }
template Spec(T : ushort)  { enum Spec = "%u"; }
template Spec(T : uint)    { enum Spec = "%u"; }
template Spec(T : ulong)   { enum Spec = "%llu"; }

template Spec(T : float)   { enum Spec = "%g"; }
template Spec(T : double)  { enum Spec = "%g"; }
template Spec(T : real)    { enum Spec = "%Lg"; }

template Spec(T : char)    { enum Spec = "%c"; }
template Spec(T : wchar)   { enum Spec = "%c"; }
template Spec(T : dchar)   { enum Spec = "%c"; }
template Spec(T : string)  { enum Spec = "%.*s"; }

template Spec(T : immutable(char)*)   { enum Spec = "%s"; }
template Spec(T : const(char)*)       { enum Spec = "%s"; }
template Spec(T : T*)                 { enum Spec = "%p"; }

  * Replace %s format specifiers in f with corresponding 
specifiers in A[].
  * Other format specifiers are left as is.
  * Number of format specifiers must match A.length.
  * Params:
  *	f = printf format string
  *	A = replacement format specifiers
  * Returns:
  *	replacement printf format string
string formatString(string f, string[] A ...)
     string r;
     size_t i;
     size_t ai;
     while (i < f.length)
	if (f[i] != '%' || i + 1 == f.length)
	    r ~= f[i];
	char c = f[i + 1];
	if (c == '%')
	    r ~= "%%";
	    i += 2;
	assert(ai < A.length, "not enough arguments");
	string fmt = A[ai];
	if (c == 's')
	    r ~= fmt;
	    i += 2;
	r ~= '%';
     assert(ai == A.length, "not enough formats");
     return r;

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