
Jacob Carlborg doob at me.com
Thu Oct 17 11:48:05 UTC 2019

On Wednesday, 16 October 2019 at 22:34:00 UTC, rikki cattermole 

> So these sorts of "functions" are aggregates of behavior and 
> properties that require reading the source code to know fully 
> what it entails.
> Yes, aggregates of behavior can be complex, and it does make 
> sense to use "functions" to do it. But the key difference here 
> is if you can describe what most of the behaviors and 
> properties are to the compiler it can produce better error 
> messages but also allow code to be more descriptive. I.e.
> /// Docs go here
> signature InputRange(@named ElementType) {
> 	@property {
> 		/// Docs go here
> 		ElementType front();
> 		/// Docs go here
> 		bool empty();
> 	}
> 	/// Docs go here
> 	void popFront();
> }
> void func(T:InputRange)(T myInputRange) {}
> The above uses DIP1020 just to make this conversation a little 
> easier to understand (ElementType will be inferred 
> automatically from the implementation).
> And because we have described what an input range is in terms 
> of an interface, we can use it as a value typed vtable that yes 
> can work in -betterC.
> Something like this should enable us to have better 
> documentation using much simpler looking features without 
> hiding away details in the source code.

Can't we just allow structs to implement interfaces and use 
template specialization? Something like this:

interface InputRange(ElementType)
     ElementType front();
     bool empty();
     void popFront();

struct Range(E) : InputRange!E
     E front() { return E.init; }
     bool empty() { return true; }
     void popFront() { }

void foo(T : InputRange!int)(T range) {}

void bar()
     InputRange!int a = Range!int.init; // will not compile

/Jacob Carlborg

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