DIP 1020--Named Parameters--Community Review Round 2

JN 666total at wp.pl
Wed Sep 11 08:16:42 UTC 2019

On Wednesday, 11 September 2019 at 05:37:57 UTC, rikki cattermole 
> This is a known code smell with a known solution: refactoring.
> I will posit that if you have code that has long parameters 
> lists often, either you have a lot of technical debt or you are 
> writing code that lends itself to introducing technical debt 
> often.
> For me at least, when I have long parameter lists, they 
> typically involve math and are called in about one or two 
> places at most and quite importantly all done within the same 
> module. I do not believe that this warrants a language feature 
> in of itself but I can be convinced that there are problems 
> that lend itself to long parameter lists that are often solved.

Long parameter lists usually aren't a code smell, and personal 
opinions and preferences are not enough to refute it. The 
alternative to long parameter lists is the Builder OOP pattern, 
which also usually isn't a code smell. Some records/objects just 
have many members and it doesn't make sense to split them up into 
smaller groups.

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