D perfomance

mipri mipri at minimaltype.com
Thu Apr 23 00:00:29 UTC 2020

On Wednesday, 22 April 2020 at 14:00:10 UTC, serge wrote:
> My understanding that D is the language in similar ballpark 
> performance league as C, C++, Rust. Hence the question - why 
> web performance of those 2 web frameworks is so poor compared 
> to rivals?

Consider this benchmark from the thread next door, "Memory
issues. GC not giving back memory to OS?":

   import std.stdio;

   void main(string[] args)
       int[] v = [1, 2];
       int n = 1 << 30;
       for (int i = 0; i < n - 2; ++i)
           v ~= i;
       writefln("v len: %s cap: %s\n", v.length, v.capacity);

With an average of four runs, compiled with gdc -O3, this takes
40s and has a max RSS of 7.9 GB.

Here's the same benchmark changed to use std.container.array:

   void main() @nogc {
       import core.stdc.stdio : printf;
       import std.container.array;

       Array!int v = Array!int(1, 2);
       foreach (i; 0 .. (1 << 30) - 2)
           v ~= i;
       printf("v len: %d cap: %d\n", v.length, v.capacity);

Same treatment: 3.3s and a max RSS of 4.01 GB.
More than ten times faster.

If you set out to make a similar benchmark in C++ or Rust
you'll naturally see performance more like the second example
than the first. So there's some extra tension here: D has
high-convenience facilities like this that let it compete with
scripting languages for ease of development, but after you've
exercised some ease of development you might want to transition
away from these facilities.

D has other tensions, like "would you like the GC, or no?" or
"would you like the the whole language with TypeInfo and AAs,
or no?", or "would you like speed-of-light compile times, or
would you like to do a lot of CTFE and static reflection?"

And this is more how I'd characterize the language. Not as "it
has this such-and-such performance ballpark and I should be
very surprised if a particular web framework doesn't match
that", but "it's a bunch of sublanguages in one and therefore
you have to look closer at a given web framework to even say
which sublanguage it's written in".

I think the disadvantages of D being like this are obvious. An
advantage of it being like this, is that if you one day decide
that you'd prefer a D application have C++-style performance,
you don't have to laboriously rewrite the application into
a completely different language. The D-to-D FFI, as it were, is
really good, so you can make transitions like that as needed,
even to just the parts of the application that need them.

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