[OT] Why software ends up complex

Kagamin spam at here.lot
Mon Dec 14 15:21:59 UTC 2020

I will just copy it at length:

Complexity in software, whether it’s a programming languages, an 
API, or a user interface, is generally regarded as a vice. And 
yet complexity is exceptionally common, even though no one ever 
sets out to build something complex. For people interested in 
building easy to use software, understanding the causes of 
complexity is critical. Fortunately, I believe there is a 
straightforward explanation.

The most natural implementation of any feature request is 
additive, attempting to leave all other elements of the design in 
place and simply inserting one new component: a new button in a 
UI or a new parameter to a function. As this process is repeated, 
the simplicity of a system is lost and complexity takes its 
place. This pattern is often particularly obvious in enterprise 
software, where it’s clear that each new feature was written for 
one particularly large customer, adding complexity for all the 

Every feature request has a constituency – some group who wants 
it implemented, because they benefit from it. Simplicity does not 
have a constituency in the same way, it’s what economists call a 
non-excludable good – everyone benefits from it. This means that 
supporters can always point to concrete benefits to their 
specific use cases, while detractors claim far more abstract 
drawbacks. The result is that objectors to any given feature 
adition tend to be smaller in number and more easily ignored. 
Leading to constant addition of features, and subtraction of 

Escaping this viscious cycle is not easy. One can easily say, “so 
reject all feature requests”, but a project that does so will 
eventually find itself unable to serve its users’ needs at all! 
Our approach must be more measured: we need to spend as much time 
thinking about how a new feature will burden all of our users, as 
we spend thinking about how it will benefit some of our users. We 
should also spend time thinking about how to design new features 
in a way that maintains what Fred Brooks’ called the “conceptual 
integrity” of a system, rather than by merely tacking something 
new on.

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