cache() method - should it cache on popFront() or on first call to front()

Steven Schveighoffer schveiguy at
Tue Feb 11 14:15:47 UTC 2020

On 2/10/20 5:43 AM, Piotr Mitana wrote:
> I have recently found std.algorithm.iteration.cache() function's 
> behavior a little bit confusing. I'll demonstrate it with this example:
> void main()
> {
>      auto arr = sequence!"n"
>          .map!(n => { writefln("Mapped: %d", n); return n; }())
>          .cache
>          .until(3, No.openRight)
>          .array;
>      arr.writeln;
> }
> What would you expect such a code to write? Actually what it writes is:
> Mapped: 0
> Mapped: 1
> Mapped: 2
> Mapped: 3
> Mapped: 4
> [0, 1, 2, 3]
> What was unexpected to me is that it still passed 4 to map function 
> despite the fact that I should be left out by until. Later I have read 
> that range's element is calculated eagerly when the popFront() is called.
> However, when the until() is called immediately after, there is element 
> is calculated needlessly. This could be avoided by caching not when 
> popFront() is called, but when front() is called for the first time of 
> the new element.
> I solved the problem with the following simple template:
> auto cacheOnAccess(Range)(Range source) if(isInputRange!Range)
> {
>      struct CacheOnAccess
>      {
>          Range source;
>          Nullable!(ElementType!Range) cachedFront;
>          this(Range source)
>          {
>              this.source = source;
>          }
>          @property ElementType!Range front()
>          {
>              if(cachedFront.isNull)
>                  cachedFront = source.front.nullable;
>              return cachedFront.get;
>          }
>          @property bool empty()
>          {
>              return source.empty;
>          }
>          void popFront()
>          {
>              source.popFront();
>              cachedFront.nullify();
>          }
>      }
>      return CacheOnAccess(source);
> }
> Maybe a change in Phobos could be considered - either adding a parameter 
> to cache() template, so that the moment of caching could be determined? 
> Alternatively, another function could be added, which would cache when 
> the element is accessed for the first time.

If you do this, this means that front is modifying the range. In general 
ranges should be modified only by popFront, and empty and front should not.

However, the entire point of cache is to not evaluate primitives more 
than once, so I think it's a reasonable implementation detail to delay 
evaluation of the call until it's actually called. I'd put it as a 
compile-time parameter to the cache function.

The reason I would make this a parameter is because sometimes the range 
may be implemented to alter the front element in multiple copies of the 
range, which would affect the behavior in strange ways vs. eager evaluation.


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