DIP 1030--Named Arguments--Community Review Round 1 Discussion

Adam D. Ruppe destructionator at gmail.com
Tue Feb 11 14:51:25 UTC 2020

On Tuesday, 11 February 2020 at 14:22:30 UTC, Steven 
Schveighoffer wrote:
> Manu's example doesn't work, but this would (and I use this all 
> the time):
> auto wrapper(alias originalFunction, T...)(T args) if (...) //

Yeah, I use that a lot too.

> What if fn has 10 different overloads?

static foreach(overload; __traits(getOverloads, item, fun))
static if(is(typeof(overload) Params == __parameters))
auto wrap(Params p) {
      return overload(p);

Which has advantages over the T... in terms of error messages and 
future reflection. Also works in interfaces and similar.

So I agree with you that the names in variadics would be super 
cool for lots of reasons. I'm meh on if it is *required* but I 
certainly do prefer it.

Just still knowing these techniques are useful anyway so I take 
any chance to educate :)

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