DIP 1031--Deprecate Brace-Style Struct Initializers--Community Review Round 1 Feedback

bachmeier no at spam.net
Thu Feb 13 10:06:36 UTC 2020

I don't oppose what's being proposed, but I do have feedback on 
the DIP.

> Having two equivalent means to acheive the same effect is a 
> pointless redundancy in a language. Even worse, it engenders 
> bikeshedding debates about which approach is "better". It's 
> better to have one way of achieving the effect in that it 
> reduces the complexity of the compiler, the specification, and 
> efforts to teach the language.

That doesn't provide much motivation for removing an existing 
feature from the language. There might be reasons to prefer one 
approach over the other depending on what you're doing. I think 
it's motivated by DIP 1030, in which case that should be the 

> Breaking Changes and Deprecations

The only example is this:

S s = { 1, 2 }; // Deprecated: use S(1, 2) instead

That's a simple case to handle, but is every case of breakage 
going to be this simple?

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