DMD backend quality (Was: Re: DIP 1031--Deprecate Brace-Style Struct Initializers--Community Review Round 1 Discussion)

Jacob Carlborg doob at
Mon Feb 17 08:25:02 UTC 2020

On Monday, 17 February 2020 at 02:54:09 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

> I hear this now and then about the DWARF output, but there are 
> ZERO bug reports on it.

As others have mentioned, the bug reports might not include the 
word "dwarf".

> I use gdb myself on OSX and Linux, and while I don't much care 
> for gdb, it works.

This explains a lot, and is also what I suspected. I'm guessing 
you haven't updated your tools since the original port of DMD to 
macOS. Nobody cares about GDB on macOS anymore. Apple has since 
long abandoned the GCC toolchain and now relies exclusively on 
the LLVM toolchain, as I've mentioned in several places on 
several occasions. That means Clang and LLDB.

There are several issues reported for this:

You might want to search for "LLDB" as well:

/Jacob Carlborg

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