Linux perf demangle D symbols

Alex Burton ab at
Wed Feb 26 13:21:42 UTC 2020

On Wednesday, 26 February 2020 at 07:20:03 UTC, Arun 
Chandrasekaran wrote:
> Does anyone use Linux perf here, with D symbols demangled?
> I'm on Ubuntu 19.10, but I can't get perf to demangle the D 
> symbols.

This is my sh script for performance monitoring on debian buster 
using Brendan Greggs flamegraph:

sudo perf record -F 99 -a --call-graph dwarf -- sleep 10
#sudo perf record -F 99 --call-graph dwarf -p 31984
sudo perf script > tree.perf
~/dev/FlameGraph/ tree.perf > tree.folded
~/dev/FlameGraph/ tree.folded > tree_.svg
cat tree_.svg | ./dfilt > tree.svg
firefox tree.svg

This is the source code in dfilt:

import std.ascii : isAlphaNum;
import std.algorithm;
import std.range;
import std.conv : to;
import std.demangle : demangle;
import std.functional : pipe;
import std.stdio;

string translateSymbol(string s)
	if (s[0..2] == "_D")
		auto result = demangle(s);
		writefln("%s => %s",s,result);
	return s;

string translateGroup(U)(U group)
	if ((group[0]))
		return demangle(group[1].to!string);
		return group[1].to!string;

auto translateLine(string l)
	return l.chunkBy!(a => isAlphaNum(a) || a == 

void main()
     auto result = stdin.byLineCopy

Hope this helps

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