Beeflang - open source performance-oriented compiled programming language

Rumbu rumbu at
Thu Jan 9 19:20:07 UTC 2020

I find very interesting the approach used to implement struct 
interfaces without any boxing. Very clean and nice.

struct Circle : IDrawable
{ void Draw() {}  }

/* Calling the following method with an instance of Circle will 
first cause boxing to occur at the
  callsite, then Draw will be called via dyanmic dispatch (method 
table) */
public static void DrawDynamic(IDrawable val)

/* Calling the following method with an instance of Circle will 
create a specialized instance of
the DrawGeneric method which accepts a Circle argument and 
statically calls the Circle.Draw
  method, which is faster */
public static void DrawGeneric<T>(T val) where T : IDrawable

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