Constness and delegates

Timon Gehr timon.gehr at
Fri Jan 10 02:50:16 UTC 2020

On 10.01.20 00:11, Mafi wrote:
> Regarding the work and comments on a pull request about delegate 
> constness ( I think there is 
> some things we need to discuss.
> I think the only sane way to analyze the soundness of delegates is to 
> equate:
> R delegate(P) qualifier f;
> with:
> interface I { R f(P) qualifier; }
> I f;
> ...

No, this is not exactly the right way to think about this. A delegate is 
not an interface, because it *includes* an _opaque_ context pointer. The 
qualifier on a delegate qualifies _both_ the function and the context 
pointer and the reason why qualifiers can be dropped anyway is that 
`qualified(void*)` can implicitly convert to `void*` (even though DMD 
does not know it yet) and the delegate maintains an invariant that says 
that the function pointer and the context pointer are compatible.

> Therefore given some class:
> class C { R f(P) const; }
> C c;
> The delegate &c.f is of type 'R f(P) const'! The const qualifier does 
> *not* apply to the this-Pointer of the delegate but to the contract of 
> the invocation.

This conclusion is however correct.

> Therefore the qualifier should be handled in a 
> contravariant manner (and not covariant) because it describes the 
> implicit this-Parameter of the referenced method and not the stored 
> this-Pointer. The const-ness of the this-Pointer is the one "outside" 
> the delegate.
> ...

Yes, exactly.

> qualifer1( R delegate(P) qualifier2 ) f;
> Is always a well-formed type / variable. But f can only be called iff 
> qualifier1 is implicitly convertible to qualifier2. This solves the 
> soundness of delegates in const classes  and structs:
> auto s = S(3);
> struct S {
>    int x = 0;
>    void delegate() f;
>    this(int x) { this.x = x; this.f = &this.incX; }
>    void incX() { x++; }
>    void const_method() const { f(); } // HERE
> }
> The line marked HERE compiles currently but f (in this const context) is 
> of type 'const void delegate()' and therefore cannot be invoked (because 
> const does not convert to mutable). If you change the type of f to "void 
> delegate() const" it can be invoked but "incX" cannot be assigned to it! 
> Soundness recovered. Const references cannot change any (implicit) state 
> and immutable objects cannot observably change at all.
> ...

Yes. Also see:
(Where I reached the same conclusion.)

> So in general:
> struct S { void f() qualifier2; }
> qualifier1 S s;
> auto f = &s.f;
> Is of type qualifier1(void delegate() qualifier2). Note the additional 
> qualifier1 around the type. It (and not qualifier2) makes sure we 
> respect the constness of the instance.
> ...

No. The type should be `void delegate() qualifier1 qualifier2`, given 
that `f` can actually be called on `s`. (And otherwise the expression 
should not compile, there is no reason to allow constructing a delegate 
that will never be able to be called.)

> So what about implicit conversions? Well as always T -> const(T) <- 
> immutable(T). Additionally qualifer(R delegate(P) const) -> qualifier(R 
> delegate(P)), that is, we drop the const! This is because we loose 
> power, the delegate cannot be invoked in const contexts anymore. This 
> makes simple 'R delegate(P)' the goto-type for callbacks, as is probably 
> the case anyways in most D code. Of course the inverse cannot be 
> allowed, otherwise we lose the soundness again.
> ...

Yes. And it's not only `const`. You can lose *all* qualifiers.

> Additionally qualifier(R delegate(P) const) -> qualifier(R delegate(P) 
> immutable). This way immutable R delegate(P) immutable can be initialized 
> from a delegate to const method on an immutable object.
> ...

No, this would break the type system. An `R delegate(immutable(P))pure 
immutable` can be implicitly memoized, but the same is not true for `R 
delegate(immutable(P))pure const`, so there is no such subtyping 

It is however true that `&c.f` should have an immutable delegate type if 
`c` is immutable and `f` is a `const` method, consistent with what I 
stated above.

> Inline delegates that want to be const (either explicitely or maybe 
> implicitely(?)) have to treat every referenced stack variable as const, 
> like going through a const this-Pointer, which is actually what happens 
> anyways.
> I am not sure exactly how to treat inout. And I don't know in what state 
> shared is in general. So what do you think? Does this sound reasonable? 
> Please discuss.

Some test cases:

This should compile:

void main(){
     immutable(void*) a;
     void* b=a; // this is rejected incorrectly
     // TODO: add other qualifier combinations

This should compile too:

void main(){
     int delegate()const dgc;
     int delegate() dgc2=dgc; // this is correctly accepted
     int delegate()immutable dgi;
     int delegate() dgi2=dgi; // this is rejected incorrectly
     int delegate() dgi3=()=>dgi(); // ugly workaround
     int delegate()shared dgs;
     int delegate() dgs2=dgs; // this is rejected incorrectly
     int delegate() dgs3=()=>dgs(); // ugly workaround
     // TODO: add all other qualifier combinations

Exhaustive tests for checks on nested function contexts:

void fun(inout(int)*){
     int* x;
     const(int*) cx;
     immutable(int*) ix;
     shared(int*) sx;
     shared(const(int*)) scx;
     inout(int*) wx;
     shared(inout(int*)) swx;
     const(inout(int*)) cwx;
     shared(const(inout(int*))) scwx;
     void foo(){
         int* x=x;
         const(int)* cx=cx; // ok
         immutable(int)* ix=ix; // ok
         shared(int)* sx=sx; // ok
         shared(const(int*)) scx=scx; // ok
         inout(int)* wx=wx; // ok
         shared(inout(int))* swx=swx; // ok
         const(inout(int))* cwx=cwx; // ok
         shared(const(inout(int)))* scwx=scwx; // ok
     void fooc()const{
         int* x=x; // currently ok, shouldn't compile
         const(int)* x2=x; // ok
         const(int)* cx=cx; // ok
         immutable(int)* ix=ix; // ok
         shared(int)* sx=sx; // currently ok, shouldn't compile
         const(shared(int))* sx2=sx; // ok
         shared(const(int*)) scx=scx; // ok
         inout(int)* wx=wx; // currently ok, shouldn't compile
         const(inout(int))* wx2=wx; // ok
         shared(inout(int))* swx=swx; // currently ok, shouldn't compile
         shared(const(inout(int)))* swx2=swx; // ok
         const(inout(int))* cwx=cwx; // ok
         shared(const(inout(int)))* scwx=scwx; // ok
     void fooi()immutable{
         //int* x=x; // error, correct
         //const(int)* cx=cx; // error, correct
         immutable(int)* ix=ix; // ok
         //shared(int)* sx=sx; // error, correct
         //shared(const(int*)) scx=scx; // error, correct
         //inout(int)* wx=wx; // error, correct
         //shared(inout(int))* swx=swx; // error, correct
         //const(inout(int))* cwx=cwx; // error, correct
         //shared(const(inout(int)))* scwx=scwx; // error, correct
     void foos()shared{
         //int* x=x; // error, correct
         //const(int)* cx=cx; // error, correct
         immutable(int)* ix=ix; // ok
         shared(int)* sx=sx; // ok
         shared(const(int*)) scx=scx; // ok
         //inout(int)* wx=wx; // error, correct
         //shared(inout(int))* swx=swx; // currently error, should work
         //const(inout(int))* cwx=cwx; // error, correct
         //shared(const(inout(int)))* scwx=scwx; // currently error, 
should work
     void foosc()shared const{
         //int* x=x; // error, correct
         //const(int)* cx=cx; // error, correct
         immutable(int)* ix=ix; // ok
         //shared(int)* sx=sx; // error, correct
         //const(shared(int))* sx2=sx; // currently error, should work
         shared(const(int*)) scx=scx; // ok
         //inout(int)* wx=wx; // error, correct
         //const(inout(int))* wx2=wx; // currently error, should work
         //shared(inout(int))* swx=swx; // error, correct
         //const(shared(inout(int)))* swx2=swx; // currently error, 
should work
         //const(inout(int))* cwx=cwx; // error, correct
         //shared(const(inout(int)))* scwx=scwx; // currently error, 
should work
     void foow()inout{
         int* x=x; // currently ok, shouldn't compile
         immutable(int)* ix=ix; // ok
         shared(int)* sx=sx; // currently ok, shouldn't compile
         inout(int)* wx=wx; // ok
         shared(inout(int))* swx=swx; // ok
         const(inout(int))* cwx=cwx; // ok
         shared(const(inout(int)))* scwx=scwx; // ok
     void foosw()shared inout{
         //int* x=x; // error, correct
         immutable(int)* ix=ix; // ok
         //shared(int)* sx=sx; // error, correct
         //inout(int)* wx=wx; // error, correct
         shared(inout(int))* swx=swx; // ok
         //const(inout(int))* cwx=cwx; // error, correct
         shared(const(inout(int)))* scwx=scwx; // ok
     void fooscw()shared const inout{
         //int* x=x; // error, correct
         immutable(int)* ix=ix; // ok
         //shared(int)* sx=sx; // error, correct
         //inout(int)* wx=wx; // error, correct
         //shared(inout(int))* swx=swx; // error, correct
         //const(shared(inout(int)))* swx2=swx; // currently error, 
should compile
         //const(inout(int))* cwx=cwx; // error, correct
         shared(const(inout(int)))* scwx=scwx; // ok

void fun(inout(int)*){
     void bar(){}
     void barc()const{}
     void bari()immutable{}
     void bars()shared{}
     void barsc()shared const{}
     void barw()inout{}
     void barsw()shared inout{}
     void barcw()const inout{}
     void barscw()shared const inout{}
     void foo(){
         bar(); // ok
         barc(); // ok
         bari(); // ok
         bars(); // ok
         barsc(); // ok
         barsw(); // ok
         barcw(); // ok
         barscw(); // ok
     void fooc()const{
         bar(); // currently ok, shouldn't compile
         barc(); // ok
         bari(); // ok
         bars(); // currently ok, shouldn't compile
         barsc(); // ok
         barsw(); // currently ok, shouldn't compile
         barcw(); // ok
         barscw(); // ok
     void fooi()immutable{
         bar(); // currently ok, shouldn't compile
         barc(); // currently ok, shouldn't compile
         bari(); // ok
         bars(); // currently ok, shouldn't compile
         barsc(); // currently ok, shouldn't compile
         barsw(); // currently ok, shouldn't compile
         barcw(); // currently ok, shouldn't compile
         barscw(); // currently ok, shouldn't compile
     void foos()shared{
         bar(); // currently ok, shouldn't compile
         barc(); // currently ok, shouldn't compile
         bari(); // ok
         bars(); // ok
         barsc(); // ok
         barsw(); // ok
         barcw(); // currently ok, shouldn't compile
         barscw(); // ok
     void foosc()shared const{
         bar(); // currently ok, shouldn't compile
         barc(); // currently ok, shouldn't compile
         bari(); // ok
         bars(); // currently ok, shouldn't compile
         barsc(); // ok
         barsw(); // currently ok, shouldn't compile
         barcw(); // currently ok, shouldn't compile
         barscw(); // ok
     void foow()inout{
         bar(); // currently ok, shouldn't compile
         barc(); // currently ok, shouldn't compile
         bari(); // ok
         bars(); // currently ok, shouldn't compile
         barsc(); // currently ok, shouldn't compile
         barsw(); // ok
         barcw(); // ok
         barscw(); // ok
     void foosw()shared inout{
         bar(); // currently ok, shouldn't compile
         barc(); // currently ok, shouldn't compile
         bari(); // ok
         bars(); // currently ok, shouldn't compile
         barsc(); // currently ok, shouldn't compile
         barsw(); // ok
         barcw(); // currently ok, shouldn't compile
         barscw(); // ok
     void fooscw()shared const inout{
         bar(); // currently ok, shouldn't compile
         barc(); // currently ok, shouldn't compile
         bari(); // ok
         bars(); // currently ok, shouldn't compile
         barsc(); // currently ok, shouldn't compile
         barsw(); // currently ok, shouldn't compile
         barcw(); // currently ok, shouldn't compile
         barscw(); // ok

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