
Ali Çehreli acehreli at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 3 19:06:21 UTC 2020

On 7/2/20 12:28 PM, Nick Treleaven wrote:

 > Sounds good, although I think multiple other operations beside
 > concatenation could benefit from being intercepted:
 > opNary(string op, T...)(T args)

Given the confusions raised elsewhere in this thread, I think that 
syntax gives the biggest benefit; defined for a single operator. And we 
don't even need a new keyword:

   opBinary(string op, T...)(T args)

which would solve Steve's original issue. Of course, doing the expected 
thing and the associativity issue would still be left to the 
implementer. For example, in order to stay consistent with the rest of 
the type system, the programmer should handle b and c before a below 
because ^^ is right-associative:

   a ^^ b ^^ c

Well, we have to trust the programmer anyway.

So, I propose an extension to opBinary to optionally take multiple 


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