Pattern to accept associative arrays

Steven Schveighoffer schveiguy at
Sun Jul 5 19:06:47 UTC 2020

I've seen this pattern inside druntime to accept associative arrays for 
a template:

void foo(T : V[K], K, V)(T aa)

I was thinking about this, and realized, you can actually explicitly 
specify alternate K and V parameters, so that K and V may be different 
than the natural key and value type of AAs.

I've been trying to think of a way to "exploit" this by providing 
alternate K and V than what would be inferred, but I can't think of one. 
Mostly because AAs are such runtime-implemented types, that very few 
conversions between AA types are possible.

So for instance, K, and V are used exactly in byKeyValue to provide the 
types of the key and value (and not what is inferred from T).

A more "appropriate" signature would be something like this:

void foo(T)(T aa) if (is(T : V[K], K, V))

where one cannot specify K and V explicitly.

Can anyone think of a good reason why we should switch? The only one 
which I found works is converting a K to a const(K), but this doesn't 
allow any exploits from what I can tell. Aside from the reduction in 
symbol name size.


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