template statistics

Walter Bright newshound2 at digitalmars.com
Wed Jun 3 02:32:54 UTC 2020

On 6/2/2020 5:53 AM, Ethan wrote:
> Oh I have *got* to try this out on my code.

I tried it on `writeln("hello");` and the number of templates instantiated seems 
excessive. It should be investigated.

   Number   Unique   Name
       46       38   MAKEINTRESOURCE_T(ushort i)
       38        0   OldAlias(T) if (!isAggregateType!T || is(Unqual!T == T))
        7        6   staticIndexOf(T, TList...)
        1        1   Impl(T)
        7        5   isSomeChar(T)
        2        1   StringTypeOf(T)
        1        1   Impl(T)
        8        2   mostNegative(T) if (isNumeric!T || isSomeChar!T || isBoolean!T)
        1        1   encode(Flag useReplacementDchar = 
No.useReplacementDchar)(out char[4] buf, dchar c)
        7        7   ModifyTypePreservingTQ(alias Modifier, T)
        2        1   Unqual(T)
        1        1   put(A)(A writeme) if ((isSomeChar!(Unqual!(ElementType!A)) 
|| is(ElementType!A : const(ubyte))) && i
sInputRange!A && !isInfinite!A)
        1        1   decodeImpl(bool canIndex, Flag useReplacementDchar = 
No.useReplacementDchar, S)(auto ref S str, ref
size_t index) if (is(S : const(char[])) || isInputRange!S && 
is(Unqual!(ElementEncodingType!S) == char))
        3        1   isCallable(T...) if (T.length == 1)
        1        1   trustedFwrite(T)(FILE* f, const T[] obj)
        2        1   _utfException(Flag useReplacementDchar)(string msg, dchar c)
        1        1   popFront(C)(ref C[] str) if (Autodecoding && 
        2        2   IntegralTypeOf(T)
        1        1   Impl(T)
        1        1   Impl(T)
       20       20   genericIndexOf(args...) if (args.length >= 1)
        1        1   safeOp(T0, T1)(auto ref T0 a, auto ref T1 b)
        5        1   ElementEncodingType(R)
        1        1   errnoEnforce(T, string file = __FILE__, uint line = 
__LINE__)(T value, lazy string msg = null)
        1        1   Impl(T)
        2        2   put(C)(C c) if (isSomeChar!C || is(C : const(ubyte)))
        2        1   exception(S)(S str, string msg)
        6        1   isNarrowString(T)
        2        1   at(R)(R[] r, size_t i)
        1        1   FunctionTypeOf(func...) if (func.length == 1 && 
        1        1   MinType(T...) if (T.length >= 1)
        5        0   AliasSeq(TList...)
        4        1   opDispatch(string name)
        1        1   min(T...)(T args) if (T.length >= 2)
        8        8   sndAlias(char c0, char c1)
        1        1   __equals(T1, T2)(T1[] lhs, T2[] rhs)
       55       13   isAggregateType(T)
        8        2   isNumeric(T)
        7        7   OriginalType(T)
        4        1   isInputRange(R)
        1        1   empty(T)(in T[] a)
        6        3   ElementType(R)
       36       11   expectType(T)
       24        7   Unqual(T)
        1        1   MAKEINTATOM_T()(int i)
        1        1   writeln(T...)(T args)
        1        1   Impl(T)
        3        1   isSomeString(T)
        1        1   isSomeFunction(T...) if (T.length == 1)
       15        2   TypeDef(T)
        1        1   isInfinite(R)
        3        1   isStaticArray(T)
       18       18   isSame(ab...) if (ab.length == 2)
        2        1   front(T)(T[] a) if (Autodecoding && isNarrowString!(T[]))
        1        1   decode(Flag useReplacementDchar = No.useReplacementDchar, 
S)(auto ref S str, ref size_t index) if (i
        1        1   codeUnitLimit(S) if (isSomeChar!(ElementEncodingType!S))
        2        1   Parameters(func...) if (func.length == 1 && isCallable!func)
        1        1   fd_set_custom(uint SETSIZE)
        4        4   mmioFOURCC(char c0, char c1, char c2, char c3)
        2        1   Demangle(T)
        4        3   Flag(string name)
        1        1   safeOp(string S) if (S == "<" || S == ">" || S == "<=" || S 
== ">=" || S == "==" || S == "!=")
        2        2   isIntegral(T)
        1        1   Impl(T)
        5        5   CharTypeOf(T)

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