Why do you continue to use D?

Jesse Phillips Jesse.K.Phillips+D at gmail.com
Thu Jun 11 04:51:28 UTC 2020

On Wednesday, 3 June 2020 at 11:12:08 UTC, aberba wrote:
> What are you?

My days in college were assignments in Java and reimplement them 
in D. My sharpened languages today are C# and D.

I have utilities written in D at work and my hobby programming, 
not much these days. I develop test automation for a web based 
app as my day job.

My preference to use D probably comes from a number of different 

* I'm familiar with the library selection
* The language has many toys to play with
* I am easily able to do meta programing to write code for me (C# 
feels like the compiler avoids helping you to write correct meta 

With having history in D I have these benefits

* I know when I'm pushing the boundaries of the language
* writing a quick hack for a specific use case can be easier than 
finding a generic library that mostly fits.

But things get even stranger when I consider the tools at work.

I don't have any other contributors, supposedly because it is D 
and not C#. But I think we just don't have a good support system 
for these tools. I personally have jumped into improving VB, 
python, powershell, Javascript, batch, and obviously C#.

When we look at the future of our automation, it looks like 
Javascript will be the language to go to. But even that is a 
concern because our crew knows C# and it seems like even moving 
to a mainstream language is going to be a pain.

So now when I need a script for some infrastructure at work... 
I'm dead in the water. I want to write it in D. I feel obligated 
to use something standard, I don't want to build it in something 
standard and then be the sole maintainer.

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