Scientific computing using D

bachmeier no at
Tue Mar 17 19:43:46 UTC 2020

On Tuesday, 17 March 2020 at 18:57:33 UTC, Ahmat wrote:


One other thing I'll add is that my bigger goal is to move us 
away from encouraging people to choose a particular language. D's 
strength is that any code you write can be called from any other 
language. For me, that's far more important than the short-term 
goal of writing code that does what I need it to do this week. 
I've done something useful when I write code in D and others use 
it from their language of choice without ever having heard of D. 
If someone wants to use Python, R, Matlab, Octave, Fortran, or 
Cobol, I still want them to be able to take advantage of the code 
I've already written.

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