Feedback Thread: DIP 1034--Add a Bottom Type (reboot)--Community Review Round 1

Meta jared771 at
Wed May 6 17:08:31 UTC 2020

Copying this over from the discussion thread:

noreturn x0; // compile error, must have bottom value

noreturn[1] x4; // compile error, init value is [assert(0)]

struct S {int x; noreturn y;} // definition is fine
S x5; // compile error, must have bottom value

enum E : noreturn {x = assert(0), y = assert(0)}
E e; // compile error, must have bottom value

The problem is that these require special cases in generic code. 
If these common cases cause compile errors, then every template 
will either have to have a `if (!is(T == noreturn))`, or allow 
itself to fail (possibly deep inside a stack of instantiated 
templates)., for example, returns a Group struct, defined 
as follows:

struct Group(alias pred, R)
if (isInputRange!R)
     import std.typecons : Rebindable, tuple, Tuple;

     private alias E = ElementType!R;
     static if ((is(E == class) || is(E == interface)) &&
                (is(E == const) || is(E == immutable)))
         private alias MutableE = Rebindable!E;
     else static if (is(E : Unqual!E))
         private alias MutableE = Unqual!E;
         private alias MutableE = E;

     private R _input;
     private Tuple!(MutableE, uint) _current;

But if R is noreturn[], then this becomes:

struct Group(alias pred, R)
if (isInputRange!R)
     private noreturn[] _input;
     private Tuple!(noreturn, uint) _current;

And because Tuple is itself a struct, and Tuple!(noreturn, uint) 
has a field of type noreturn, the following code will fail to 


With a confusing error message inside Tuple.

I think these rules should at least be reconsidered or relaxed, 
if not removed.

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