I dun a DIP, possibly the best DIP ever

Q. Schroll qs.il.paperinik at gmail.com
Mon May 11 19:31:02 UTC 2020

On Saturday, 9 May 2020 at 00:25:35 UTC, Manu wrote:
>> One thing I want to mention: Let Ts be the type sequence int, 
>> long, double[]; then
>>      void f(Ts[]...);
>> becomes ambiguous.
> Does it though?

I didn't think it would, but when I tested it just to be sure, it 
actually compiled to my (and I think everyone else's) great 

Let Ts be the type sequence int, long, double[]; then the 
compiler "rewrites" (for lack of a better word) the declaration

     void f(Ts[]...);


     void f(int __param_0, long __param_1, double[] __param_2...);

The dots on __param_0 and __param_1 don't do anything (as far as 
I know), but make __param_2 a variadic argument. (The compiler 
copies all the decorations (scope, in, out, ref, and (to my 
surprise) the dots) to the type sequence for every type.)

> I don't think function declarations accept an expression in the 
> argument list... they are declarations.
> Otherwise you'd be able to specify a function like:
>   void f(10 + 1, Enum.key, nullptr);

If Ts contains things that don't resolve to types, the 
declaration is ill-formed. That's nothing new.

> I don't think my DIP interacts with function declarations.

It *theoretically* does. I have given you an example. Have a look 
at it yourself https://run.dlang.io/is/PYKyx1
By the way, you can replace `Ts[]...` by `Ts...` with no 
difference in the type of `f`.

That case is in the darkest corner of D. Just mention it in the 
DIP so that no one can reject it upon potential breakage that was 
not addressed.

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