@trusted assumptions about @safe code

Dukc ajieskola at gmail.com
Mon May 25 23:47:47 UTC 2020

On Monday, 25 May 2020 at 23:04:49 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:
> Deep in the discussion thread for DIP 1028 there is this little 
> remark by Zoadian [1]:
>> you can break previously verified @trusted code by just 
>> writing @safe code today.
> That statement fits something that occurred to me when trying 
> to lock down the definition of "safe interfaces" [2].
> Consider this little program that prints the address and first 
> character of a string in a convoluted way:
>     import std.stdio;
>     char f(string s) @trusted
>     {
>         immutable(char)* c = s.ptr;
>         writeln(g(* cast(size_t*) &c));
>         return *c;
>     }
>     size_t g(ref size_t s) @safe
>     {
>         return s;
>     }
>     void main() @safe
>     {
>         writeln(f("foo"));
>     }
> As the spec stands, I believe it allows f to be @trusted. The 
> function doesn't exhibit undefined behavior, and it doesn't 
> leak any unsafe values or unsafe aliasing. So it has a safe 
> interface and can be @trusted.
> With f correctly @trusted and everything else being @safe, that 
> code is good to go safety-wise.

No, `f` should be just dead `@system`. If you call f with a 
string which does not point to null, but is empty, boom!

But for rest of the reply, I assume you meant a function that 
could really be `@trusted` with all parameters.

> Now imagine that some time passes. Code gets added and shuffled 
> around. Maybe g ends up in another module, far away from f. And 
> as it happens, someone adds a line to g:
>     size_t g(ref size_t s) @safe
>     {
>         s = 0xDEADBEEF; /* ! */
>         return s;
>     }

Credible scenario.

> g is still perfectly @safe, and there's not even any @trusted 
> code in the vicinity to consider. So review comes to the 
> conclusion that the change is fine safety-wise. But g violates 
> an assumption in f. And with that broken assumption, memory 
> safety comes crumbling down, "by just writing @safe code".
> I think that's a problem. Ideally, it should not be possible to 
> cause memory corruption by adding a line to @safe code. But I 
> know that I'm more nitpicky than many when it comes to that 
> rule and @safe/@trusted in general.

I don't think it as a problem for `@safe`. `@safe` is just a 
command to turn the memory checking tool on, not a code 
certification (although using @safe where possible would probably 
be required for certifying). Combating the scenarios you 
mentioned means that the `@safe` function called must be at least 
as certified as the `@trusted` caller, but that is no reason to 
forbid using the memory checking tool the language offers.

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