DDoc is an embarrassment

Vladimir Panteleev thecybershadow.lists at gmail.com
Tue Nov 17 02:34:28 UTC 2020

On Monday, 16 November 2020 at 22:04:17 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:
> Can someone explain to me why we haven't migrated everything to 
> adrdox yet? I mean, say whatever you want about the look & 
> feel, but at least it *actually generates documentation*.

I've seen adrdox also occasionally choke on certain kinds of 
input, and I feel we will see more cases of this if we were to 
begin using it more prominently. However:

The biggest real difference compared to DDoc/DDox is that adrdox 
is actively being maintained by a responsive and motivated 
developer. The upside is that Adam quickly fixes issues as 
they're reported (which is awesome). The downside is that, AFAIK, 
the project has a bus factor of one, which means that should Adam 
for whatever reason become unable to continue supporting it, we 
will go back to the exact same situation we are now with DDox 
(and perhaps possibly worse than DDoc, because in case of the 
latter, familiarity with the compiler translates somewhat to the 
ability to maintain DDoc).

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