Why is there no lazy `format`?

rikki cattermole rikki at cattermole.co.nz
Tue Oct 20 13:45:20 UTC 2020

You are describing the purpose of an output range.


void test() {
     InPlaceAppender appender;

     appender.formattedWrite!"%d: %d"(123, 456);


struct InPlaceAppender {
     private {
         char[ushort.max] buffer;
         size_t used;

     @disable this(this);

     void put(char c) {
         assert(used < buffer.length);
         buffer[used++] = c;

     scope char[] get() {
         return buffer[0 .. used];

     void reset() {
        used = 0;
        buffer[] = '\0';

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