Postmortem: Template unittests are bad & you shouldn't catch Error

Timon Gehr timon.gehr at
Thu Oct 22 22:45:52 UTC 2020

On 22.10.20 18:28, Timon Gehr wrote:
> Also, code that "relies on such unwinding" can be annotated @safe and 
> the compiler won't complain.

Actually, it will complain. Sorry for the noise, should have 
double-checked before sending the post.

However, in contracts do rely on catching AssertError, and they are 
allowed in @safe code:

void bar()@safe{
     import std.stdio;
     writeln("throwing an AssertError");
void main()@safe{
     class C{
         void foo()@safe in{ bar(); }do{}
     class D:C{
         override void foo()@safe in{}do{}
     auto d=new D;;

throwing an AssertError

The program does not abort.

If catching an AssertError is UB, why does the language do it in @safe code?

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