Severin Teona - SAOC Milestone 1 Update 1 - Druntime for Microcontrollers

Severin Teona teona.severin9 at
Thu Sep 24 19:03:36 UTC 2020

Hi all,

This is an update for the first week of the first milestone for 
SAOC 2020.

My idea for the first two weeks (the original outline is at [1]) 
was to:
- try to build the druntime for an embedded architecture (the 
microcontroller I’m working with has an ARM Cortex-M4 CPU).

Before the start of the SAoC 2020 I tried to build it using the 
‘lcd-build-runtime’ tool, but an cmake error [2] that I have not 
been able to resolve yet has stopped me.

This week:
- I followed Denis’ advice [3] and tried to build the runtime 
using the Meson build system.
- I have not succeeded yet and somehow there are still errors to 
resolve, but I have a feeling I am close.

In the following week:
- I hope I’ll manage to build the runtime so that I’ll have a 
working environment to help me in the next months of SAoC 2020.


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