Reimplementing the bulk of std.meta iteratively

Adam D. Ruppe destructionator at
Sun Sep 27 00:27:50 UTC 2020

On Sunday, 27 September 2020 at 00:10:33 UTC, Stefan Koch wrote:
> This example on the other hand works:

Here's another potential implementation:

template sortBySize(T...) {
         string code() {
                 // step one: gather the data in the template shim
                 static struct Item {
                         size_t idx;
                         size_t size;
                 Item[] items;
                 foreach(idx, t; T)
                         items ~= Item(idx, t.sizeof);

                 // step two: process the data with normal CTFE
                 import std.algorithm;
                 items.sort!((a, b) => a.size < b.size);

                 // step three: build the code for the template to 
bring it back
                 // this would be a fine candidate for a helper 
                 string code;
                 foreach(item; items) {
                         if(code.length) code ~= ", ";
                         code ~= "T[" ~ cast(char)(item.idx + '0') 
~ "]";

                 return "AliasSeq!(" ~ code ~ ")";

         import std.meta;
         alias sortBySize = mixin(code());

pragma(msg, sortBySize!(ushort, int, byte));

(byte, ushort, int)

There's several optimizations here, preallocating, factoring out 
of the template, not using std.algorithm, you know those tricks 

I'm not in love with it but there is some potential in the 
concept in today's D.

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