Tasks, actors and garbage collection

russhy russhy at gmail.com
Tue Apr 20 16:41:44 UTC 2021

And please note that i never said GC hinders the language 
adoption! because i never believed in that argument, it is a 
distraction from the real core issue, the memory model, when it 
is confusing, when it is not efficient, when it doesn't scale, at 
the end of the day, you'll have to pay for it

Being pragmatic about it like Swift and the issues related to 
scaling disappear "automagically", because you no longer depend 
on a Death Aura that could trigger at any time 'when allocating 
with new or via gc-dependent language features *cough* AA *cough* 
dynamic array *cough* exceptions *cough* asserts', blocking your 
whole world

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