Tasks, actors and garbage collection

Dominikus Dittes Scherkl dominikus at scherkl.de
Mon Apr 26 11:33:48 UTC 2021

On Sunday, 25 April 2021 at 20:02:32 UTC, russhy wrote:
> it needs to be removed and put as a library
> so language features doesn't depend on the library

I can't even agree with that.
Simply creating arrays and exceptions make prototyping so much 
faster and more convenient with a GC, I will never miss that 
And after profiling there are almost never more than a very few 
inner loops where removing the GC is a performance gain - so I 
turn it of in those few places and do the manual memory 
management (which at least is feasible if it is only about few 
objects) and have both: fast development time and fast execution 
time. Why would anyone ever want to change this?

In fact: it doesn't matter if the GC is slow and imperfect. 90% 
of the code is executed so rarely that bad GC just has no 
measurable effect. And in the remaining 10% you can turn it off.

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